
Client Library Setup

You can connect to Datomic via clients or peers. First time users should follow the Getting Started process using Peers.

When you're ready to integrate the Datomic Client into your project, this document provides details on how to setup your Client library dependencies. For analagous information for using the Peer Library in your project see Integrating the Peer Library.

Client Setup

The Datomic Client library is provided via Maven Central.

Project Configuration

  • Maven

    To retrieve the Client library for a Maven project, add the following snippet inside the <dependencies> block of your pom.xml file:


    Replacing the version number as appropriate.

  • Clojure CLI

    To use the Client library from a Clojure CLI REPL, add the following to your deps.edn dependencies map:

    com.datomic/client-pro {:mvn/version "1.0.78"}

    Replacing the version number as appropriate.

  • Leiningen

    To include the Client library in a Leiningen project, add the following snippet to your project.clj file in collection under :dependencies key

    [com.datomic/client-pro "1.0.78"]

    Replacing the version number as appropriate.