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a() - Method in interface datomic.Datom
This datom's attribute id.
added() - Method in interface datomic.Datom
Is this datom added or retracted?
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface datomic.ListenableFuture
Register a listener to run on the given executor.
administerSystem(Map) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Administer a Datomic system.
AEVT - Static variable in interface datomic.Database
Names the AEVT index.
apply(Database, T) - Method in interface datomic.Database.Predicate
Database-filtering predicate.
ARGS - Static variable in class datomic.QueryRequest
asData() - Method in class datomic.QueryRequest
asOf(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns the value of the database filtered to include data up to t, inclusive
asOfT() - Method in interface datomic.Database
attribute(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns information about an attribute.
Attribute - Interface in datomic
Programmatic representation of a schema attribute.
AVET - Static variable in interface datomic.Database
Names the AVET index.


basisT() - Method in interface datomic.Database
t value of the most recent transaction in this db.


cancel(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Cancels the current Datomic operation (query or transaction).
cardinality() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
The attribute's cardinality
CARDINALITY_MANY - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
CARDINALITY_ONE - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
connect(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Connects to the specified database.
Connection - Interface in datomic
A connection to a database for submitting and monitoring transactions, and retrieving the current value of the database.
create(Object, Object...) - Static method in class datomic.QueryRequest
Creates a QueryRequest object.
createDatabase(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Creates a database with the given name.


DATA - Static variable in interface datomic.Log
Database - Interface in datomic
An immutable, point-in-time database value.
Database.Predicate<T> - Interface in datomic
Boolean-valued function for filtering a database.
Datom - Interface in datomic
An immmutable, point-in-time fact: [entity, attribute, value, transaction, added]
datomic - package datomic
The Datomic peer library is designed to be embedded in application servers.
datoms(Object, Object...) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Implements the Datoms API for raw access to matching index data.
db() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieves the current database value.
db() - Method in interface datomic.Entity
DB_AFTER - Static variable in interface datomic.Connection
DB_BEFORE - Static variable in interface datomic.Connection
dbStats() - Method in interface datomic.Database
Queries for database stats.
deleteDatabase(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Deletes a database.


e() - Method in interface datomic.Datom
This datom's entity id.
EAVT - Static variable in interface datomic.Database
Names the EAVT index.
entid(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns the entity id associated with any kind of entity identifier.
entidAt(Object, Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a fabricated entity id in the supplied partition whose T component is at or after the supplied t
entity(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns an entity: a lazy, dynamic associative view of datoms sharing an entity id.
Entity - Interface in datomic
Implements the Entity API for associative navigation by attribute keys.


filter(Database.Predicate<Datom>) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a value of the database containing only Datoms satisfying the predicate.
filter(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
function(Map) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Generates a function object given a map of :lang - clojure or java :params - a list of parameter names used in the code :code - a string containing the code of the function body.


gcStorage(Date) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Reclaim storage garbage older than a certain age.
get(int) - Method in interface datomic.Datom
Positional getter, as if datom is tuple of [e a v tx added]
get(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Entity
Gets the value of the attribute named by key, and is polymorphic on key type cardinality :many attributes will always return a collection, even when only one value
getDatabaseNames(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Returns a list of database names.


hasAVET() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Does this attribute currently have an AVET index?
hasFulltext() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Does this attribute have a fulltext index?
hasNoHistory() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Is this a noHistory attribute?
history() - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a history database value containing all assertions and retractions across time.


id() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
The attribute's entity id
id() - Method in interface datomic.Database
Opaque, globally unique database id.
ident() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
The attribute's ident (programmatic name)
ident(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns the symbolic keyword associated with an id, or the key itself if passed.
indexPull(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
"Walks an index, pulling entities via :e if :avet or :v if :aevt, using the selector, returning a Stream of the results.
indexRange(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a range of AVET-indexed datoms.
invoke(Object, Object...) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Look up the database function of the entity at entityId, and invoke the function with args.
isComponent() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Is this a component attribute?
isFiltered() - Method in interface datomic.Database
Does database have a filter set with e.g.
isHistory() - Method in interface datomic.Database
True for databases created with Database.history()
isIndexed() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Is this attribute configured for an AVET index?


keySet() - Method in interface datomic.Entity


list(Object...) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Creates an immutable List.
ListenableFuture<T> - Interface in datomic
A future that supports completion listeners.
log() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieves the current value of the log.
Log - Interface in datomic
Implements the Log API.


map(Object...) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Creates an immutable Map.


name(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Returns the name part of a keyword or symbol.
namespace(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Returns the namespace part of a keyword or symbol.
nextT() - Method in interface datomic.Database
next t value that will be assigned by this database.


part(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Returns the partition of this entity id.
Peer - Class in datomic
Main entry point, used to manage connections, submit transactions, and query.
pull(Object, Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a hierarchical selection of attributes for entityId.
pullMany(Object, List) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns hierarchical selections of attributes for entityIds.


q(Object, Object...) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Like Peer.query(Object, Object...), but with a more specific return signature.
qseq(Object, Object...) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Performs the query described by query and inputs (as per Peer.query(Object, Object...)), Item transformations such as pull are deferred until the Stream is consumed.
query(QueryRequest) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Like Peer.query(Object, Object...), but accepts a QueryRequest object.
query(Object, Object...) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Executes a datalog query.
QUERY - Static variable in class datomic.QueryRequest
QueryRequest - Class in datomic
Container for parameters to Peer.query(QueryRequest)


read(String) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Reads one item from source, returning it.
readAll(Reader) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Reads all the data in reader, returning a List.
release() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Request the release of resources associated with this connection.
removeTxReportQueue() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Removes the queue associated with this connection.
renameDatabase(Object, String) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Renames a database.
requestIndex() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Request that a background indexing job begin immediately.
resolveTempid(Database, Object, Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Resolve a tempid to the actual id assigned in a database.


seekDatoms(Object, Object...) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Raw access to index data, starting at nearest match to input
shutdown(boolean) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Shutdown all peer resources.
since(Object) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns the value of the database filtered to include only data since t, exclusive
sinceT() - Method in interface datomic.Database
squuid() - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Constructs a semi-sequential UUID.
squuidTimeMillis(UUID) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Get the time component of a squuid.
streamOn(Iterable) - Static method in class datomic.Util
Create a stream on an immutable Iterable.
sync() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieve a database value that includes all transactions completed at the time sync was called.
sync(long) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieve a database value that includes all transactions completed up to and including time t.
syncExcise(long) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieve a database value that is aware of all excisions up to a database t.
syncIndex(long) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieve a database value that is indexed through the database t passed in.
syncSchema(long) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Retrieve a database value that is aware of all schema changes up to a database t.


T - Static variable in interface datomic.Log
tempid(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Generates a temp id in the designated partition.
tempid(Object, long) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Generates a temp id in the designated partition.
TEMPIDS - Static variable in interface datomic.Connection
timeout(long) - Method in class datomic.QueryRequest
The number of milliseconds after which a query may be stopped.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class datomic.QueryRequest
toString() - Method in class datomic.QueryRequest
toT(Object) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Returns the t value associated with this tx.
toTx(long) - Static method in class datomic.Peer
Returns the tx associated with this t value.
touch() - Method in interface datomic.Entity
Touches all of the attributes of the entity, including any component entities recursively.
transact(List) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Submits a transaction, blocking until a result is available.
transactAsync(List) - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Like Connection.transact(java.util.List), but returns immediately, with timeout logic left up to the caller.
tx() - Method in interface datomic.Datom
This datom's transaction id.
TX_DATA - Static variable in interface datomic.Connection
txRange(Object, Object) - Method in interface datomic.Log
Returns a range of transactions in log, starting at start, or from beginning if start is null, and ending before end, or through end of log if end is null.
txReportQueue() - Method in interface datomic.Connection
Gets the single transaction report queue associated with this connection, creating it if necessary.
TYPE_BIGDEC - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_BIGINT - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_BYTES - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_FN - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_INSTANT - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_KEYWORD - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_LONG - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_REF - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_URI - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
TYPE_UUID - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute


unique() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
Type of the attribute's unique index, if any.
UNIQUE_IDENTITY - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
UNIQUE_VALUE - Static variable in interface datomic.Attribute
Util - Class in datomic
Utilities for creating and using data structures.


v() - Method in interface datomic.Datom
This datom's value.
VAET - Static variable in interface datomic.Database
Names the VAET index.
valueType() - Method in interface datomic.Attribute
The attribute's value type


with(List) - Method in interface datomic.Database
Returns a database with txData applied locally in memory.
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