
Using the SQL CLI

Use the SQL CLI to validate your analytics configuration before moving on to other analytics tools. The CLI is a fully-featured interactive SQL environment in its own right.

Important: Presto has been renamed to Trino.

Installing the CLI

Using the CLI

You will typically launch the SQL CLI with three arguments:

  • The required --server argument specifies the analytics server address. Because you are connecting through the local datomic access proxy this will be localhost:8989.
  • The optional --catalog argument must match a catalog configured for your system.
  • The optional --schema argument must be the name of a Datomic database.

The catalog and schema arguments are defaults for queries that do not explicitly name a catalog and schema, so that in your queries you can use table names directly, e.g. country instead of tomhanks.mbrainz.country:

./presto --server localhost:8989 --catalog <my-catalog> --schema <db-name>

A SQL prompt will be displayed:


Validating Configuration

The examples below presume a Datomic system named tomhanks with a database named mbrainz, and a SQL CLI launched with:

./presto --server localhost:8989 --catalog tomhanks --schema mbrainz


The following query shows all catalogs:

select * from system.metadata.catalogs;
catalog_name | connector_id
 analytics    | analytics
 sample       | sample
 system       | system
 catalog_name | connector_id 

A system catalog will be displayed, in addition to one entry per catalog properties file. In the example above, the Datomic catalog name is tomhanks.

Show Schemas

The following query shows all the schemas in the default catalog:

show schemas;

An information_schema catalog will be displayed, in addition to one schema per exposed Datomic database. In the example above, the tomhanks system has a single database named mbrainz.

Show Tables

The following query shows all the tables in the default schema:

show tables;

db__attrs and db__idents will be displayed, in addition to any tables you have configured via a Metaschema.

Describe a Table

The following query describes a table named country in the default schema:

describe country;
 Column |  Type   | Extra | Comment 
 code   | varchar |       |         
 name   | varchar |       |         
 db__id | bigint  |       |         


This is an opportune time to verify your dashboard.

select * from track_x_artists limit 10;
select * from country limit 10;

More Things to Try

Try some of the system commands to see what is present in the system.

You can access more than one database (or even more than one catalog) by using fully qualified table names in your SQL, e.g. [catalog].[database].[table]. You can also write queries that join across different databases or catalogs.