
Push and Deploy


The push operation creates an application revision in S3 and AWS CodeDeploy that can then be deployed multiple times to compute groups with the same application name.

Configure Entry Points

When you push an application revision, the resources/datomic/ion-config.edn file specifies the applications entry points:

  • The :lambda section specifies functions that will be callable via AWS Lambda
  • The :http-direct section specifies functions that will be callable via HTTP
  • The :allow section specifies functions that will be callable from inside Datomic transactions or queries

For this tutorial, the entry points are already specified. Review them before you push.

Commit Your Changes

By default, push requires a clean git repository, and uses the git SHA to name the application revision in AWS. Such a push is reproducible. To prepare for a reproducible commit, git add files that are part of your application, git ignore any extraneous files, and git commit. If you are precisely following the tutorial, you have only changed resource files to set your application name and configured a client.

git add resources
git commit -m 'application name and client config'

To double-check that you have a clean commit, run git status:

git status
=> ... details elided ...
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Push a Revision

Now you are ready to push an application revision. The push command looks like:

clojure -A:ion-dev '{:op :push}'

This copies files to S3, so you will need S3 put permissions for the push operation. If your ambient credentials do not give you permission to the system that you're working with, you can specify a credentials profile to use by adding :creds-profile "creds" to the map.

The push operation will report progress on the console. If it succeeds, it will print an EDN map that includes a :deploy-command.

Congratulations, you have pushed an app!

If push fails, don't worry. Use the push troubleshooting guide to diagnose and fix any problems you encounter.


The deploy operation installs your pushed application on a Datomic compute group which you specify.

Let's deploy the revision you just pushed. The output of a successful push will include some important pieces of information:

  • :rev or :uname – the name of the git SHA or unreproducible push name
  • :deploy-groups – a list of compute groups with the same :app-name
  • :deploy-command – an example deploy command. This may require unescaping backslashes

The format for a deploy command is:

clojure -A:ion-dev '{:op :deploy :rev $(REV) :group $(GROUP)}'

If you've been following this tutorial then the :deploy-command will have your deploy command with the :rev and :group filled in.

On success, a deploy will print an edn map that includes a :status-command.

Congratulations, your app revision is now deploying!

If deploy fails, then use the deploy troubleshooting guide to diagnose and fix any problems.

Monitor Your Deployment

The deploy operation does the minimal work necessary to ensure that your application revision is running on all your compute nodes. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

The output of an ion deploy includes the :status-command to monitor your deployment. Copy the value of this key, remove any escaping, and use it to monitor your ion deploy.

The format to monitor deploy-status:

clojure -A:ion-dev '{:op :deploy-status :execution-arn $(EXECUTION_ARN)}'

:execution-arn is output by a successful deploy command.

Deploy Status returns the the Step Functions reference of the overall ion deploy and the code deploy as a map.

{:deploy-status "SUCCEEDED", :code-deploy-status "SUCCEEDED"}

If your deploy-status doesn't reach SUCCEEDED, then use the deploy-status troubleshooting guide to diagnose and fix and problems.

Once your ion is successfully deployed, explore the entry points to your ion.