

Database Values

Datomic maintains the entire history of your data. From this, you can query against a database value as of a particular point in time.

The db API returns the latest database value from a connection.


(def db (d/db conn))

An analogy with source control is helpful here. A Datomic connection references the entire history of your data, analogous to a source code repository. A database value from db is analogous to a checkout.


If you know an entity id, you can use the pull API to return information about that entity and related entities. Better still, if the entity has a unique attribute, you do not even need to know its entity id. A lookup ref is a two-element list of unique attribute + value that uniquely identifies an entity, e.g.


[:inv/sku "SKU-42"]

The following call pulls the color, type, and size for SKU-42:


 (d/db conn)
 [{:inv/color [:db/ident]}
  {:inv/size [:db/ident]}
  {:inv/type [:db/ident]}]
 [:inv/sku "SKU-42"])

#:inv{:color #:db{:ident :blue}, 
      :size #:db{:ident :large}, 
      :type #:db{:ident :dress}}

Note that the arguments and return value of pull are both just ordinary data structures, i.e. lists and maps.

Database as a Value

Previously when data was transacted the result was stored in sample-data-transaction.

(:db-before sample-data-transaction) gets the database value before the transaction.

Attempting to pull against the database before the transaction shows that the data does not exist in the db.


 (:db-before sample-data-transaction)
 [{:inv/color [:db/ident]}
  {:inv/size [:db/ident]}
  {:inv/type [:db/ident]}]
 [:inv/sku "SKU-42"])
=> {}

Pulling against the db value in (:db-after sample-data-transaction) will pull against a db with the data transacted previously in the tutorial.


Storing and retrieving data by unique id is useful, but a database needs also to provide declarative, logic-based query. Datomic uses datalog with negation, which has expressive power similar to SQL + recursion.

The following query finds the skus of all products that share a color with SKU-42:


 '[:find ?sku
   [?e :inv/sku "SKU-42"]
   [?e :inv/color ?color]
   [?e2 :inv/color ?color]
   [?e2 :inv/sku ?sku]]

Note that the arguments and return value of q are both just ordinary data structures, i.e. lists and maps.

In the :where clauses, each list further constrains the results. For each list:

  • The first element matches the entity id
  • The second element matches an attribute
  • The third element matches an attribute's value

Symbols beginning with a question mark are Datalog variables. When the same symbol occurs more than once, it causes a join. In the query above

  • ?e joins SKU-42 to its color
  • ?e2 joins to all entities sharing the color
  • ?sku retrieves the SKU for every ?e2

Now we are confident that we can get basic inventory in and out. Just in time, too, because our stakeholders are back with more feature requests.