Setting Up Python
The Datomic team recommends using a Python virtualenv for any Python-based analytics tools.
Python 3 ships with virtualenv by default, however, if it is missing in your environment you can install it with your package manager or using pip:
pip3 install virtualenv
Setting up a Python Virtual Environment
- Create a new empty directory for your Python environment and cd into it:
mkdir my-python-env
cd my-python-env
- If you do not yet have it, install Python 3 locally:
brew install python3
- Set up a Python virtual environment:
This step is only required once when you first create the virtual environment. If you have multiple versions of Python 3+ installed, use version 3.6 or greater for the following command (i.e. python3.7 instead of python3).
python3 -m venv venv
- To start the virtual environment, run:
. venv/bin/activate
- A
will be displayed at the front of your terminal prompt. This lets you know that you're using this virtual environment. - Now update Python tools and install the libraries used by the
various Python tools:
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip pip install pandas==0.23.4 pip install sqlalchemy==1.2.18 pip install pyhive[presto]
- It is possible to exit the venv at any time with the command below: