
Monitoring Cloud

AWS CloudWatch provides a powerful set of tools for monitoring a software system running on AWS. With AWS CloudWatch you can:

  • Collect and track CloudWatch metrics – variables that measure the behavior of your system
  • Configure CloudWatch alarms to notify operations or take other automated steps when potential problems arise
  • Monitor, store, and search CloudWatch logs across all your AWS resources
  • Create CloudWatch dashboards that provide a single overview for monitoring your systems

Datomic is fully integrated with all of these AWS monitoring tools. On the producing side, Datomic creates metrics and logs; and on the consuming side, Datomic organizes metrics in custom dashboards. This document shows how to manage and monitor your Datomic system.

Finding Datomic Resources by Tag

Datomic tags resources it creates with the following tag:

Tag name Tag value Resources tagged
datomic:system System name All taggable resources

You can use this tag to locate all the resources associated with a Datomic system. From the tag editor:

  • Under "Regions", Enter one or more AWS regions
  • Under "Resource types", choose "All resource types"
  • Under "Tags", choose the name "datomic:system" for the tag key
  • Under the same row in "Tags", enter a specific system name for the tag value, or leave the tag value blank to find resources for all Datomic systems


Searching CloudWatch Logs

CLI Tool

The CLI Tools allow you to list log messages and show detail for specific messages without necessitating a trip to the AWS console.

AWS Console

If you need to view the CloudWatch Logs for a Datomic system:

  • Open the CloudWatch Logs in the AWS Console
  • Click on the Log Group named "datomic-{System}", where System is your system name

Each EC2 instance will create a separate log stream. Usually, you will want to search across all log streams:

  • Click the "Search Log Group" button
  • Click to the right of the filter box to choose an appropriate time window
  • Enter a metric filter pattern to scope your search

Finding Alerts

The search pattern "Alert - Alerts" will find the text of every alert produced by Datomic. The "Alert" matches each alert, and the "- Alerts" filters redundant summary messages.

The example below demonstrates reviewing a week's worth of alerts. The single event that matches is a transient DynamoDB request failure, so not a problem.


Finding Logs by Message

CLI Tool

The CLI Tools allow you to list logs between a starting time --tod and some minutes in the past --minutes-back.

The datomic log list command can be piped to grep with the -B 1 option to be used to find specific logs for a given time period:

datomic log list my-datomic-system \
-f all --tod 2019-06-24T03:41:23.491 --minutes-back 150 \
| grep -B 1 CloudWatchMetrics

The preceding command will find all logs labeled "CloudWatchMetrics" from March 6th, 2019, 1:11:23.491am until March 6th, 2019, 3:41:23.491am.

AWS Console

The image below shows using the CloudWatch filter and pattern syntax to find all logs whose Msg is "CodeDeployEvent".

  • The brackets {} identify the query as a JSON metric filter
  • The $ is a placeholder for log entry as a whole
  • The dot syntax scopes the search to the individual key Msg


Metrics Produced by Datomic Cloud

Datomic compute nodes publish Cloudwatch Metrics as follows:

  • Namespace is DatomicCloud
  • Dimensions are your system name and your compute stack name

Datomic reports a large number of distinct metrics, many of which are useful primarily for Datomic support. The most useful metrics for operators fall into three categories:

These key metrics are summarized below.

Metric Category Units Description
Alerts Troubleshooting Count Number of alerts written to Cloudwatch logs
JvmFreeMb Troubleshooting Mb Free JVM memory
HttpDirectOpsPending Request Count Total number of HTTP direct requests started
HttpDirectThrottled Request Count HTTP requests rejected because server too busy
HttpEndpointOpsPending Request Count Total number of client requests started
HttpEndpointThrottled Request Count Client requests rejected because server too busy
Datoms Capacity Count Number of datoms in a database
IndexMemMb Capacity Mb Total size of the in-memory indexes on a node
NodeDbCount Capacity Count Number of databases being served by node

Logs Produced by Datomic Cloud

Datomic writes Cloudwatch Logs as follows:

  • The "Log Group" name is the name of the Datomic system
  • Each EC instance will create a log stream named by the convention {system}-{group}-{instance-id}-{timestamp}

Datomic Cloud Dashboards

When you launch a compute group, it automatically creates a dashboard named datomic-(name)-(region) that you can view in the AWS Console.

The primary compute stack creates a large dashboard, suitable for viewing on a large ops monitor screen:


Each dashboard widget tells a story. For example, the DynamoDB Usage widget tracks DynamoDB AutoScaling of reads (left axis) and writes (right axis). In the image below you can see DynamoDB write provisioning (the green line) scaling up for a four-hour period during a batch load, and then scaling back down to almost nothing.


A query group stack creates a dashboard that is a subset of the information shown for a primary compute group.