Using Jupyter Notebook
To start with Jupyter Notebook, first follow the steps in the Python set up documentation.
Jupyter Notebook is an interactive web-based notebook frequently used for data analysis and visualization. You can access data stored in Datomic for analysis in Jupyter Notebook (or any Python-based system) using the PyHive Presto library.
Installing Jupyter
Use the venv created previously to perform the steps below.
- From the directory created when making the venv (my-python-env):
- Install Jupyter by running:
pip install jupyterlab
Using Jupyter Notebook with Datomic Analytics
- Start a Jupyter Notebook with the following command:
jupyter notebook
- Browse to the URL reported by this command
- Create a new Python3 Notebook
- To connect to your Datomic Analytics from Jupyter, use the configuration below:
from pyhive import presto conn = presto.connect( host='<host>', port=<port>, catalog='<catalog>', schema='<schema>', username='presto' ) cur = conn.cursor()
- Run a test query:
'SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes') print(cur.fetchall())cur.execute(