
Metaschema Reference

Metaschemas drive the mapping between Datomic entities and attributes and SQL tables & columns. For an overview, check the analytics overview page.


Even with no Metaschema entries, there will always be auto-generated db__idents and db__attrs tables which contain information about :db/idents and schema. Use describe to display their columns.

Grammar Syntax

'' literal
"" string
[] = list or vector
{} = map {k1 v1 ...}
() grouping
? zero or one
+ one or more
* zero or more
| choice


    (whatever-)attr       = keyword naming an attribute in Datomic schema
    sql-name              = string or symbol, alphanumeric or '_' only
    metaschema            = {:tables tables-map :joins joins-map}
    tables-map            = {(membership-attr opts-map)+}
    opts-map              = {name-opt? include-opt? exclude-opt? rename-opt?
                            rename-many-opt? scale-opt?}
    name-opt              = :name sql-name
    include-opt           = :include [attr* ns-wildcard*]
    ns-wildcard           = keyword ending in '/*'
    exclude-opt           = :exclude [attr*]
    rename-opt            = :rename {(attr sql-name)+}}
    rename-many-opt       = :rename-many-table {(card-many-attr sql-name)+}
    scale-opt             = :scale {(bigdec-attr integer)+}
    joins-map             = {(ref-attr table-name)+}
    table-name            = sql-name of table generated by tables-map

Naming Conventions

Fully namespaced-qualified attr names are required. Attributes without namespaces will be ignored.

Any non-alphanumeric characters in schema, tables, and catalog names will be converted to underscores (_). Thus, a system (and catalog properties file) named my-datomic-system will be converted to my_datomic_system for use in analytics tools.


metaschema            = {:tables tables-map :joins joins-map}

A metaschema is a map with two entries, :tables and :joins. The :tables entry specifies which Datomic attributes are used to create SQL tables. The :joins entry enables you to extend these tables by joining in additional columns through ref attributes.


tables-map            = {(membership-attr opts-map)+}

The :tables map maps Datomic attributes to SQL tables by defining which Datomic attributes are considered membership attrs.

Each entry in the :tables map results in the creation of a SQL table, containing all entities that include that membership attr. The table name is derived from the namespace of the membership attr.

Table Options

opts-map              = {name-opt? include-opt? exclude-opt? rename-opt?
                        rename-many-opt? scale-opt?}

Each entry in the tables map requires an options map. The simplest options map is the empty map, {}. Each option map may contain any combination of:


name-opt              = :name sql-name

The default table name for a SQL table is derived from the namespace of the membership attr. This name can be overridden for any table(s) in the metaschema with the :name option. The sql-name must include only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character.

Include and Exclude

include-opt           = :include [attr* ns-wildcard*]
ns-wildcard           = keyword ending in '/*'
exclude-opt           = :exclude [attr*]

By default, the columns of each SQL table correspond to all Datomic attributes with the same namespace as the membership attr. Additional attributes can be included in any table(s) via the :include option. Namespace wildcards may also be used in the :include attribute list to include all attributes within that namespace in the table.

Similarly, attributes from the membership attr namespace can be omitted from the SQL table using the :exclude option.

Renaming Attributes

rename-opt            = :rename {(attr sql-name)+}}
rename-many-opt       = :rename-many-table {(card-many-attr sql-name)+}

The rename options maps map attribute names to SQL table names.

By default, columns in the SQL tables are named based on Datomic attributes, but they can be renamed using the :rename option. Each entry in the :rename option map must specify a Datomic attribute and the SQL name to which it will be renamed (alphanumeric and _ only).

Cardinality-many Datomic attributes are populated in a separate card-many table, named membership-attr-namespace_x_card-many-attr-name by default.

This card-many-table can be renamed with the :rename-many-table option. Each entry in the :rename-many-table option map must specify a cardinality-manyt Datomic attribute and the SQL name to which the card-many table will be renamed (alphanumeric and _ only).


scale-opt             = :scale {(bigdec-attr integer)+}

The :scale value specifies the number of digits in the fractional part of a bigdec column. If not supplied it defaults to 2. If your data is not at scale 2 you must supply an explicit scale.

Column Joins

joins-map             = {(ref-attr table-name)+}
table-name            = sql-name of table generated by tables-map

The :joins map maps ref attrs to tables defined by the Metaschema (think 'foreign keys').

Check column joins in the overview for more details.