
Query Stats

Everything about query-stats is alpha and subject to change in future releases.


Datomic evaluates query clauses in the order you specify them; except for a few reorderings that are guaranteed winners, e.g. pushing predicates. You can take advantage of this control to choose a performant clause ordering, e.g. putting more selective clauses earlier in a query.


You may not know which clauses are more selective. One measure of clause selectivity is the count of rows flowing in and out of each clause. Another measure is the boundness of variables, which helps to limit work done in later clauses.


When you request query-stats, Datomic monitors your query as it runs, returning a map with the following:

  • Clause ordering
  • Count of rows flowing in and out of each clause
  • Boundness of variables in and out of each clause
  • Predicates used in each clause
  • Possible optimizations (expansions and warnings)

To request query-stats, add a :query-stats key to your query map. Datomic will return the query result set under the :ret key and a query-stats map under the :query-stats key.

Requesting query-stats adds some overhead to query processing and should be used outside of production code.

The Query-Stats Map

The query-stats map and its submaps are open to extension at any time, and you may notice additional keys not documented here.

The query-stats map will have the following keys:

Key Description
:query The query you provided.
:phases Subqueries of the query in the order they were executed. See :phases.


Key Description
:sched Clauses of the subquery in the order they were executed.
:clauses For each clause, information about row counts and bindings. See :clauses.


Key Description
:clause The clause.
:rows-in Count of rows into the clause.
:rows-out Count of rows out of the clause. A large expansion here could be an indicator of poor selectivity.
:binds-in Variables that are bound coming into the clause. Insufficiently bound clauses can be less selective.
:binds-out Variables that are bound going out of the clause.
:preds Optional. Collection of predicate clauses that were used during this clause.
:expansion Optional. Difference between :rows-out and :rows-in. Present on top 3 clauses with the biggest difference. This may or may not indicate a problem – sometimes a large expansion is part of what the query needs to accomplish.
:warnings Optional. Map of possible concerns. See :warnings


Key Description
:unbound-vars Present when none of the vars needed for the clause were bound. This will almost always cause poor performance.