


The JDBC analytics connection is read-only and intended for analytics applications and is not low latency. Do not consider it a substitute for the client API for programmatic access to Datomic.

Presto JDBC Driver

To use analytics support from JDBC, add the Presto JDBC driver to your classpath. For applications, add this dependency to your Maven XML:


If you are using a tool such as DBeaver, specify version 348 of the driver.


You can connect to a running analytics service via JDBC using the URI format with the command below. Replace <host>, <port>, <catalog>, <schema>, and <user> as appropriate for your analytics system:


Consider the following:

  • host and port are the host and port of your Presto server.
  • catalog is the name of your catalog.
  • schema is the name of your Datomic database.
  • user is not currently used, but some tools may require that you specify it.

For catalog and schema, keep in mind the naming conventions.