
Datomic Cloud Releases

This page lists the releases for all Datomic Cloud software:

Datomic Software

Datomic Cloud software includes:

To track Datomic Local releases, see the Datomic Local documentation.

Critical Notices

If you are using any version of Datomic Cloud older than 470-8654.1 (April 2019), follow the recommendations in the table below. See the release link for full details.

Affected Date Release Recommendation
Production, solo, query groups 2022/12/12 981-9188 Upgrade as soon as possible
Production, solo, query groups 2021/07/13 884-9095 Review Upgrading Documentation
Production, solo, query groups 2020/11/30 732-8992 Upgrade as soon as possible
Production, solo, query groups 2020/02/21 616-8879 Introduced with 569-8835, Upgrade as soon as possible
Production, solo, query groups 2019/04/25 470-8654.1 Upgrade as soon as possible
Production, query groups 2019/02/22 470-8654 See note if upgrading to or past this version
Production, query groups 2018/10/11 441-8505 Upgrade as soon as possible

Current Releases

  • Ion libraries (ion and ion-dev) are available on the datomic-cloud repository.
  • The client API library is available on the Maven central repository.
  • CloudFormation templates and CLI tool are linked directly in the table below. Clicking on the file icons below will copy the CF template URL into your clipboard.
Artifact Release Date Version Release
Client API 2024/02/12 1.0.125 com.datomic/client-cloud "1.0.125"
ion-dev 2023/12/20 1.0.316 com.datomic/ion-dev "1.0.316"
ion 2023/12/20 1.0.68 com.datomic/ion "1.0.68"
CLI Tools 2022/01/14 1.0.91 Download
Datomic Presto Server 2021/07/13 0.9.96 Download (1.17GB)
REBL 2022/04/06 0.9.245 Get dev-tools
datomic-local 2024/02/12 1.0.277
Storage 2023/12/20 1102-9309
Production 2023/12/20 1102-9309
Query Group 2023/12/20 1102-9309