

Datomic's database log is a recording of all transaction data in historic order, organized for efficient access by transaction. Datomic's log is stored as a shallow tree of segments, where each segment typically contains thousands of datoms. The most recent data in the log is also maintained in memory on all transactor and peer processes.


Peer API

log returns an immutable log value.

(d/log conn)
=> #datomic.log.LogValue{:db datomic.db.Db@b4f7bc6f, :olookup #object[datomic.cache$lookup_cache$reify__12495 0x21ff3fe3 "datomic.cache$lookup_cache$reify__12495@21ff3fe3"], :root-id #uuid "6643ba96-0cc9-46fd-8390-21b5e6001fd9", :tail #datomic.db.MemLog{:txes []}}

Given a log, you can retrieve an iterable over a range in the log with tx-range or use the log in query.


Peer API | Client API

You can access the log via the tx-range API function.

;; Peer API
(d/tx-range log 1000 1020)

;; Client API
(d/tx-range conn {:start 1000 :end 1020})

The arguments to tx-range are start-t (inclusive), and end-t (exclusive). Legal values for these arguments are:

  • Txes (transaction entity ids)
  • Ts (as e.g. returned from next-t)
  • Transaction instants (java.util.Dates)
  • nil (to represent the beginning/end of the log)

tx-range returns a collection of transactions, each of which contains key/value pairs:

Keyword Value
:t The basis t of the transaction
:data a collection of the datoms asserted/retracted by the transaction

The datoms implement the datomic.Datom interface. In Clojure, they act as both sequential and associative collections, and can be destructured accordingly.

Log in Query: tx-ids and tx-data

The log API includes two convenience functions that are available within the query. The tx-ids function takes arguments similar to tx-range, but returns a collection of transaction entity ids. You will typically use the collection binding form [?tx …] to capture the results:

[(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?tx) [?tx ...]]

The following example query returns the count of transactions within the range [t1, t2):

(d/q '[:find (count ?tx)
       :in $ ?log ?t1 ?t2
       :where [(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]]]
     (d/db conn) (d/log conn) t1 t2)

The tx-data function returns the datoms associated with a particular t or tx. You will typically use the relation binding form [ [?e ?a ?v _ ?op ] ] to capture the results:

[(tx-data ?log ?tx) [[?e ?a ?v _ ?op]]]

Note the underscore binding. You should not bind the ?tx position, as ?tx is already bound on input to the function.

tx-data is the efficient way to get transaction data given t or tx. A common scenario is to use tx-data in combination with tx-ids, to return the datoms associated with a range in time. The following example query returns all the entities that were modified on August 1, 2013:

(d/q '[:find ?e
       :in $ ?log ?t1 ?t2
       :where [(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]]
              [(tx-data ?log ?tx) [[?e]]]]
     (d/db conn) (d/log conn) #inst "2013-08-01" #inst "2013-08-02")