

The instructions on this page assume that you already have set up your AWS account.

To create a Datomic Cloud system, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose a system name
  2. Create a storage stack
  3. Create a compute stack

These tasks need only be performed once, by an AWS administrator.

Naming Systems and Applications

System and application names cannot be changed, so choose good names. Points to consider:

  • Datomic creates AWS resources named "datomic-[system]-[subresource]", so keep your system name short – and don't name your system "Datomic".
  • Multiple systems might serve the same primary database in different development stages. Name systems via the convention "[db]-[stage]", e.g."inventory-dev", "inventory-staging" and "inventory-prod".
  • A system can serve more than one application via different query groups, although one application is often primary. So you might name applications "[db](-[app])", e.g. "inventory" and "inventory-analytics".

Create a Storage Stack

To create a storage stack from the CloudFormation console, follow the steps below:

  1. Click "Create Stack".
  2. Click "With new resources (standard)".
  3. Choose "Amazon S3 URL" as a template source.
  4. Set the Amazon S3 URL to the latest:

You will need to choose a stack name, but you can generally leave all stack parameters set to their default values. For further details, check storage template reference.

Create a Compute Stack

To create a compute stack from the CloudFormation console, follow the steps below:

  1. Click "Create stack".
  2. Click "With new resources (standard)".
  3. Choose "Amazon S3 URL" as a template source.
  4. Set the Amazon S3 URL to the latest:

Unlike the storage stack, the compute stack has some parameters that you should review and adjust to match your specific needs. For more details, check the compute template reference.

Next Steps

If you are trying Datomic Cloud for the first time, a good next step is the client API tutorial.