
Enabling CORS in a Lambda Proxy

The Problem

Preflight OPTIONS requests are blocked by the CORS policy when using Cognito to authorize requests to an API Gateway HTTP direct $default.

The Solution

  • Go to the AWS API Gateway console.
  • Select your HTTP direct API.
  • Attach your authorizer to your $default route and follow the steps to set it up.
  • Click "Routes".
  • Click "Create".
  • Create a new OPTIONS route with a path of /{proxy+}.
  • Attach your HTTP Direct (port 8184) integration to this path.
  • Click "CORS".
  • Click "Configure".
  • Configure as required by your application.

Adding CORS Headers in Your App

With the above change, requests will now be passed to your application which will be responsible for adding the desired CORS headers. A maximally permissive set of headers is provided here as a reference. You may adjust based on your specific needs:

(def cors-headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
                   "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" "GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"
                   "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Authorization, Content-Type"})

The Solution (Legacy)

This section only applies to Datomic 781-9041 and lower.

Add an unauthenticated lambda proxy OPTIONS method to your API gateway. Then add the appropriate CORS headers to the request response from within your application.

Adding The Method

  • Go to the AWS API gateway console.
  • Under the "Actions" dropdown, choose "Create method".
  • Select "OPTIONS" from the drop-down
  • Click the checkmark next to the dropdown box.
  • In "Lambda function", choose the region and lambda function that proxies to your app.
  • Click "Save".
  • Under the Actions dropdown, select "Deploy API" and use the next window to deploy your API.

Adding CORS Headers in Your App

With the above change, requests will now be passed to your application which will be responsible for adding the desired CORS headers. A maximally permissive set of headers is provided here as a reference. You may adjust based on your specific needs:

(def cors-headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
                   "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" "GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"
                   "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Authorization, Content-Type"})