
Using Metabase

Metabase is an open-source interactive data analytics, visualization, and business intelligence tool. You can configure Metabase to use Datomic as a data source via the included Presto connector.


java -jar metabase.jar
  • Point your browser to localhost:3000
  • Select "Let's get started"
  • Fill out "What should we call you"
  • Select "I'll add my data later"
  • Select your preferred usage data preferences

Configuring Metabase for Datomic Analytics

  • In the Metabase window, click on "Settings" → "Admin" → "Databases" → "Add database"
  • Configure the connection to Datomic analytics by running the command below. Substitute appropriate values for name, host, port, user, password and catalog:
Database Type: Presto
Name: <give-it-a-name>
Host: <host>
Port: <port>
Database Name: <catalog>
Database Username: <user>
Database Password: <password>

Note that:

  • port is 8989 by default
  • The user and password are your Trino server passwords, which default to admin and no password by default
  • catalog is the catalog that you configured when setting up Datomic analytics