
Datomic Local API

Datomic Local API

Most usage of Datomic Local should be via portable Client API calls. Capabilities that are specific to Datomic Local are available through the datomic.local namespace:

All Datomic Local API calls take a single arg-map argument.

(import-cloud arg-map)
(divert-system arg-map)
(release-db arg-map)


Diverts subsequent d/client calls for system to local storage. arg-map has the following keys:

Key Value Required
:system the system to divert yes
:storage-dir overrides :storage-dir in ~/.datomic/local.edn  


Closes the connection to a database and releases the memory used by it. Values of that database can no longer be used. arg-map has the following keys:

Key Value Required
:system system name yes
:db-name database name yes
:storage-dir overrides :storage-dir in ~/.datomic/local.edn  


Import a Datomic Cloud database into a durable Datomic Local database. arg-map has the following keys:

Key Value Required
:source arg map for (Cloud) d/client merged with arg map for d/connect yes
:dest arg map for (Datomic Local) d/client merged with arg map for d/connect yes
:filter filter spec limits datoms to import  

A filter spec has the following keys, all optional:

Key Value
:before t - include only txes before t, exclusive
:since t - include only txes after t, inclusive
:include-attrs map of attr -> filter
:exclude-attrs vector of attrs to be excluded

:include-attrs keys are either fully-qualified attribute names or a namespaced keyword with * as a name (includes all attrs in namespace, e.g. :order/*).

:include-attrs filters are maps with optional :before and :since keys limiting the time range for attributes as per before/since above.

Schema attributes are always included. When a filter spec is present:

  • All other attributes must be included explicitly.
  • Excludes take precedence over includes.

You can re-import to get more recent data if you have not transacted locally. You cannot import to a database that currently has an open connection.

The following example imports a customer database, including

  • all schema
  • all history of customers (except their secrets!)
  • orders since May 2020
 {:source {:system "customers"
           :db-name "customers"
           :server-type :ion
           :region "us-east-1"
           :endpoint "https://ljfrt3pr18.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"}
  :dest {:system "production-imports"
         :server-type :datomic-local
         :db-name "customers-and-recent-orders"}
  :filter {:include-attrs
           {:customer/* {}
            :order/* {:since #inst \"2020-05\"}}
           :exclude-attrs [:customer/secret]}})