
Configure Access

This section only applies to Datomic 781-9041 and lower.

Authorize Datomic Users

If you are the account owner and only user of the Datomic system, this section does not apply to your usage.

To authorize Datomic users, an AWS administrator should add the Datomic Administrator policy to an IAM group. Users in that group will then have full access to Datomic.

The Datomic Administrator Policy is named datomic-admin-$(SystemName)-$(Region), which you can view by searching for "datomic-admin" under IAM Policies.

To add the Datomic Administrator Policy to a group:

  1. Select (or create) a Group in the AWS Console.
  2. Click the "Add Permissions" button, then choose "Attach existing policies directly" and select the Datomic Administrator Policy.
  3. Click the "Next: Review" button, then click the "Add permissions" button.

After this step, any IAM user or role in the Group get connected and use Datomic.