
Transaction Functions

This page describes transaction functions, which allow arbitrary validations and transformation of transaction data.

Sections covered in this page are:

Transaction Function Semantics

A transaction function lets you define transactions that are flexible based on the value of the database at the time a transaction is applied. Rather than determining all the values a transaction needs in advance, you can use transaction functions to calculate values based on the current state of the database.

A transaction function is a pure function [db-before, args] -> tx-data, i.e. a transaction function takes db-before plus args you provide and produces tx-data for inclusion in the transaction.

Transaction functions support the operation of d/with, which is also a pure function [db-before, tx-data] -> tx-data. d/with calls transaction functions to augment tx-data, producing more tx-data:

tx-data + (tx-fn db-before args) -> tx-data'

Transaction functions are tightly focused: they do not see the entire tx-data, only the args passed to them. They also do not see each other's return value. This tight focus is semantically critical, e.g. if d/with piped the return value from one transaction function into the next, then Datomic transactions would have order semantics and no longer be declarative!

When to use transaction functions

Consistency refers to the property that a database transaction takes the database from one valid state to another. Datomic has a number of built-in consistency checks that you can augment by writing custom entity predicates and transaction functions. Datomic’s features are well-tested and optimized, and you should prefer them over writing custom code where they fit your use case. Generally speaking, you should work your way down the table below, preferring the approaches listed earlier if they are sufficient for your needs.

Desired Consistency Datomic Feature
value type attribute value type
uniqueness attribute uniqueness constraint
single / multi value attribute attribute cardinality
optimistic concurrency (at the level of a single datom) db/cas
attribute predicate attribute spec (:db.attr/preds)
entity required attributes entity spec required attributes (:db.entity/attrs)
entity predicate against db-after entity spec predicates (:db.entity/preds)
predicates and transformations of transaction data, given db-before custom transaction function
sagas sync and as-of

Performance and Security

By their nature, transaction functions and entity predicates run inside the serialized pipeline of transactions for a database. A slow transaction function and/or entity predicate will impact not only the current transaction, but any transaction requests queued behind the current transaction in the pipeline. Transaction functions and entity predicates should do the minimal amount of work possible, and should do only work that requires access to the in-transaction value of the database.

Transaction functions and entity predicates are arbitrary code, and should be safeguarded in the same ways you would safeguard any other mechanism for deploying code into production. In particular, database functions are deployed via transactions, so you should prevent arbitrary transactions from untrusted users.

Types of transaction functions

Datomic supports two types of transaction function: database functions and classpath functions. They have essentially the same capabilities and differ primarily in how they are deployed.

  1. You can transactionally store a database function in a Datomic database. After you do, this function is available on the transactor and in any peer. Database functions can accept up to 10 arguments.
  2. Classpath functions use Java’s classpath.

You can use either or both approaches, which differ as follows:

  Database Function Classpath Function
invoke transaction data has a vector whose first element is a keyword naming the function, with args as subsequent elements transaction data has a vector whose first element is a symbol naming the function, with args as subsequent elements
develop create a function object with e.g. a db/fn literal (Clojure) or a call to Peer.function (Java) write ordinary Clojure/Java code
test call the function object test ordinary Clojure/Java code
deploy transact an entity with code in db/fn attribute you must ensure that the function is on the classpath of the transactor, e.g. by adding a lib to the script you use to launch it
resolve Datomic looks up an entity in the database whose db/ident is the keyword, and then finds the code under that entity's db/fn Datomic looks up the fully qualified symbol on the classpath
version control versions of the code live in the Database external to the database in e.g. traditional source control
semantics up to 10 arguments ordinary Clojure/Java semantics

Invoking Transaction Functions

Datomic calls transaction functions automatically when encountering anything other than :db/add or :db/retract as the first element in a list form. For example, the transaction data below includes a call to the built-in transaction function :db/retractEntity

[[:db/retractEntity [:person/email "jdoe@example.com"]]]

Transaction functions can abort a transaction for any reason whatsoever by calling datomic.api/cancel, or they can expand to (possibly empty) data that will be included in the transaction.

The following example installs and invokes a trivial database function:

;; tx-data to install the function
[{:db/ident :add-doc
  :db/fn    (d/function
              {:lang   "clojure"
               :params '[db e doc]
               :code   [[:db/add 'e :db/doc 'doc]]})}]

;; tx-data to call the function
[[:add-doc "foo" "this is foo's doc"]]

The example below installs and invokes an equivalent classpath transaction function:

;; put this on the transactor's classpath
(ns my.fns)
(defn add-doc
  [db e doc]
  [[:db/add e :db/doc doc]])

;; and then put this tx-data in a transaction
[[my.fns/add-doc "foo" "this is foo's doc"]]

Built-In Transaction Functions

Datomic includes a few built-in transaction functions: :db/retractEntity and :db/cas


The :db/retractEntity function takes an entity id as an argument. It retracts all the attribute values where the given entity id is either the entity or value, effectively retracting the entity's own data and any references to the entity as well. Entities that are components of the given entity are also recursively retracted.

The following example transaction data retracts two entities, specifying one of the entities by entity id, and the other by a lookup ref.

[[:db/retractEntity eid-of-jane]]
;; or with a lookup-ref
[[:db/retractEntity [:person/email "jdoe@example.com"]]]

;; example of what :db/retractEntity might expand to
;; attributes shown by name for readability
[[:db/retract 716881581319789 :person/email "jdoe@example.com"]
 [:db/retract 716881581319789 :person/name  "Jane Doe"]
 [:db/retract 17592186062232  :team/members 716881581319789]]


The :db/cas (compare-and-swap) function takes four arguments: an entity id, an attribute, an expected current value, and a new value. The attribute must be :db.cardinality/one. If the entity has the expected value for the given attribute in db-before, then db/cas will expand to a list form asserting the new value. Otherwise, the transaction will abort and throw an exception.

You can use nil for the old value to specify that the new value should be asserted only if no value currently exists.

The following example transaction data sets entity 42's :account/balance to 110, if and only if :account/balance is 100 at the time the transaction executes:

[[:db/cas 42 :account/balance 100 110]]

;; if entity 42 has an :account/balance of 100, the following is what
;; :db/cas might expand to
[[:db/retract 42 :account/balance 100]
 [:db/add     42 :account/balance 110]]

Writing Transaction Functions

If you have a consistency requirement that is not covered by a built-in feature of Datomic, you can write a custom transaction function, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Must be pure functions, free of side effects.
  2. Must take the current value of the database as a first argument, followed by data arguments that match the arguments in the transaction data.
  3. On success, must return valid transaction data (which can include more transaction functions!)
  4. To abort a transaction, call cancel.
  5. Transaction data is serialized with Fressian. Collections deserialized by Fressian are guaranteed only Java interfaces, so transaction functions should not rely on or presume Clojure collection capabilities.

Canceling a transaction

datomic.api/cancel cancels the current Datomic query or transaction, and throws an ex-info with an anomaly to the original caller.

cancel requires a map with the key :cognitect.anomalies/category, which has valid values of:

  • :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect
  • :cognitect.anomalies/conflict

When :cognitect.anomalies/message is provided, the message will be used as the Exception's detail message.

All other keys should be namespace-qualified and all data passed to cancel must be either transit-serializable in the Client API, or fressian-serializable in the Peer API.

The example below uses a transaction function to ensure that users always have a name and email. The first transaction succeeds, but the second is canceled since :address is passed instead of :email.

(def add-user-code
  '(if (every? umap [:name :email])
     [{:user/name (:name umap)
       :user/email (:email umap)}]
     (datomic.api/cancel {:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect
                          :cognitect.anomalies/message "User map must contain :email and :name"})))

;; Install transaction function:
@(d/transact conn [{:db/ident :add-user
                    :db/fn (d/function {:lang "clojure" :params '[db umap] :code add-user-code})}])

;; Success:
@(d/transact conn [[:add-user {:name "Marshall" :email "test@test.com"}]])
=> ;; tx result map
;; Failure:
@(d/transact conn [[:add-user {:name "Marshall" :address "test@test.com"}]])
=> Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at datomic.error/deserialize-exception (error.clj:175).
User map must contain :email and :name

Testing Transaction Functions

Transaction functions are ordinary code, and can be developed and tested in whatever environment/IDE you use for writing JVM code. In particular, they are suited for REPL-based testing in Clojure.

Deploying Transaction Functions

Database functions and classpath functions are deployed differently.

Deploying Database Functions

You deploy a database function by adding it as an attribute of an entity. There is already an attribute of the correct (:db.type/fn) type - :db/fn. Normally you will also add a :db/ident attribute on the function entity to serve as its name, as well as a :db/doc string. When a function is added to the database, its language and code are stored.

The function object that you get from calling d/function (or Peer.function()) is the same thing that you will get when retrieving the :db/fn attribute. It is an object that will implement datomic.functions.Fn, as well as the one of datomic.functions.FnN matching its arity. In addition, for Clojure users, it will implement clojure.lang.IFn. This object will dynamically compile itself the first time it is invoked. Subsequent calls will be as fast as any compiled Java code - the calls are neither interpreted nor reflective. To invoke a function, simply call d/invoke (or invoke() on it). You can call database functions written in either language from any JVM language with interop support.

(def add-user-code
  '(if (every? umap [:name :email])
     [{:user/name (:name umap)
       :user/email (:email umap)}]
     (datomic.api/cancel {:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect
                          :cognitect.anomalies/message "User map must contain :email and :name"})))

;; Deploy database function
@(d/transact conn [{:db/ident :add-user
                    :db/fn (d/function {:lang "clojure" :params '[db umap] :code add-user-code})}])

Deploying Classpath Functions

d/transact always executes on the transactor, so functions must be added to the transactor classpath. d/with can execute anywhere you call it, on either transactors or peers.

To add a classpath function for use by peers, use your ordinary classpath-building tools, e.g. tools.deps, leiningen, or maven.

To add a classpath function for use by transactors, set the DATOMIC_EXT_CLASSPATH environment variable before launching the transactor, e.g. if you added your code in mylibs/mylib.jar:

export DATOMIC_EXT_CLASSPATH=mylibs/mylib.jar
bin/transactor my-config.properties