
Processing Transactions

Processing transactions

After a transaction data structure is built, you must submit it to the transactor for processing. The transactor queues transactions and processes them serially. Since the transactor is not processing queries (they are handled in the peers), no locking is required and the processing is very fast.

Submitting transactions

Once a transaction data structure is built, you submit it to the transactor by calling the datomic.Connection.transact or transactAsync method. Both methods return a Future<Map>. Its get method returns a map with information about transaction if the transaction commits and throws an exception if the transaction aborts. In Clojure, you can also use the deref method or @ to get a transaction's result.

txResult = conn.transact(tx).get();

future = conn.transactAsync(tx);

... // do other work

txResult = future.get();

Transaction Timeouts

The transact method is synchronous, it waits until the transaction completes before returning. The transactAsync method is asynchronous, it submits the transaction to the transactor and returns immediately. A call to get on the Future<Map> returned from transactAsync will block until the transaction completes. Application code should use the overload for get that takes a timeout value expressed as a long and a java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit in order to ensure that the calling thread never blocks indefinitely.

When a transaction times out, the peer does not know whether the transaction succeeded, and will need to query a recent value of the database to discover what happened.

Monitoring transactions

Peers can monitor all transactions being processed by the system's transactor. The datomic.Connection.txReportQueue method provides a method to get a queue of transaction notifications.

The queue delivers a report for every transaction submitted while a peer is connected to the database, even those submitted by other peers. The reports are instances of the datomic.TxReport type, which provides access to the value of the database before and after the transaction was applied, and the set of facts added by the transaction.

Once your code gets the transaction report queue, reports will be added to it. It is the responsibility of your peer code to empty the queue. When you are done monitoring the queue, you must remove it by calling the datomic.Connection/removeTxReportQueue method so it doesn't continue to consume memory.

This example shows how to connect to the notification queue, and retrieve a transaction report from it.

queue = conn.txReportQueue();

report = (Map) queue.poll();

The report map contains the following keys, which are static members of the datomic.Connection class:

key usage
DB_BEFORE database value before the transaction
DB_AFTER database value after the transaction
TX_DATA datoms produced by the transaction
TEMPIDS used to resolve temporary ids

The TX_DATA member of a transaction report contains the set of datoms created by a transaction (both assertions and retractions). The TX_DATA can be used as an input source for a query. The query below uses the transaction data and the database value after the transaction was applied to show each datom of the transaction.

[:find ?e ?aname ?v ?added
 :in $ [[?e ?a ?v _ ?added]]
 [?e ?a ?v _ ?added]
 [?a :db/ident ?aname]]

The query expects the DB_AFTER and TX_DATA values of a transaction report as its two input sources, in that order.

See Query for more information on using sets of tuples as input sources in queries.

Reified transactions

When the transactor processes a transaction, it creates a transaction entity to represent it. By default, this entity has one attribute, :db/txInstant, whose value is the instant that the transaction was processed. In addition, every datom in a transaction refers to the transaction entity through the :tx field of datom.

You can add additional attributes to a transaction entity to capture other useful information, such as the purpose of the transaction, the application that executed it, the provenance of the data it added, or the user who caused it to execute, or any other information that might be useful for auditing purposes.

To annotate the current transaction, simply include an add statement (either map or list) that uses a temporary id from the :db.part/tx partition. The transactor will resolve a temporary id from that partition to the actual id of the transaction entity it creates.

Here is an example that annotates a transaction using a :data/src attribute to indicate where the data came from.

tx = Util.list(
       Util.map(":db/id", "datomic.tx",
                ":data/src", "catalog-2_29_2012.xml"),
       Util.map(":product/name", "Marbles"));

txResult = conn.transact(tx).get(); 

You can query for transaction entities with particular attributes and values the same way you would query for any other entity in the system (see Query).

Explicit :db/txInstant

You can set :db/txInstant explicitly, overriding the transactor's clock time. When you do, you must choose a :db/txInstant value that is not older than any existing transaction, and not newer than the transactor's clock time. This capability enables initial imports of existing data that has its own timestamps.

Redundancy Elimination

A datom is redundant with the current value of the database if there is a matching datom that differs only by transaction id. If a transaction would produce redundant datoms, those datoms are filtered out, and do not appear a second time in either the indexes or the transaction log.

Transactions are never entirely redundant, because the transaction's :db/txInstant is always a new fact. Also, the schema attributes :db.install/attribute and :db.alter/attribute trigger side effects, and are never considered redundant.